Coronavirus Update – Please Bag Your Garbage

In response to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus and in observance of our employee’s safety, we are asking that all waste be placed in plastic bags and tied off to avoid any direct contact with the garbage.

Trash collection services will continue as normal, but we are experiencing an increase in the amount of residential solid waste as a result of residents spending more time at home. Please be patient as we are doing our best to get everyone collected.

Green waste collection will continue; however we anticipate delays in service. By taking the following steps, residents can help minimize these delays:

  • Mulch leaves and grass clippings instead of bagging them for disposal.
  • Limit the amount of pruning and tree trimming to only what is essential.
  • If utilizing a landscaping company, ensure all green waste is collected and hauled off by the contractor.

Please continue to place your recycling loose in your container. However, if anyone in your household is exhibiting symptoms of any transmissible illness, please place recyclables in plastic bags and dispose of with your regular garbage.

The Water Flows

A Message from Inframark

During this time of social distancing and self quarantine one thing still stands true, WATER still flows!

Residents need to know they will still see Inframark trucks and field personnel performing their daily tasks that are part of maintaining the collection and distribution systems.

The appropriate personal protective equipment will be used by personnel during these daily tasks. Also, we have asked them to keep the appropriate social distance (6 feet) if approached by a resident.

“Presence of the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies and based on current evidence the risk to water supplies is low.”

According to the CDC, COVID-19 is mainly thought to spread between people who are in close contact with one another. EPA’s drinking water regulations require treatment at public water systems to remove or kill pathogens, including viruses.

More CDC information is available at:

More EPA information is available at:

Summer Water Saving Tips – September

Watering your lawn and irrigating consumes much more water than most people realize.

Ensure your sprinklers aren’t watering the street, are free of leaks, and operate outside of peak usage hours are great ways to manage your summer time usage.

Every drop counts!

Summer Water Saving Tips – August

  • Water during the early morning or evening hours since evaporation losses will be up to 60 percent higher during the day.
  • Do not water on windy days. Set sprinklers so the lawn is watered, not sidewalks, pavement and driveways.
  • Use an overlapping sprinkler pattern to cover the lawn evenly. Every drop counts!